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SAIL - Fundamentals to Freedom for Business Development

Here’s what you get when you join:

Programs Summary

1) Business Basic 12 week coaching - ($2,997 Value)

2) JVology Global Lounge - 12 month membership ($997 Value)

3) JVSS Digital Program ($1,997 Value)

4) INstream 6 week Coaching - ($1997 Value) 

5) VIP Ticket to the next JVL ($1,497 Value)

Programs Details - 3B Business Basic Breaktrough

1) Business Basic 12 week coaching  - ($2,997 Value)


  • Are you one of the 63% of entrepreneurs that has not yet broken 6 figures?
  • Have you invested in program after program, tactic after tactic and still find yourself spinning?
  • Are you working far too hard for far too little?
  • ​Do you ever feel overwhelmed with ALL THE THINGS you need to handle/master in your business.
  • ​​Do you feel like you sometimes (or often) confuse activity with progress?
Weekly on Mondays, we're going to overcome mental roadblocks, reprogram your mind for ease, effectiveness and elevation to get all aspects of your mind working in the direction of your goals.
Weekly on Wednesday, we'll cover what you need to do and get done, what you need to consider in the next steps and what decisions you need to make to get you through to your next breakthrough.
Weekly following the Topic Training where we'll all turn everything off and get the work done. This is not training, clarity or otherwise...this is pen to paper, fingers to keyboards and faces to recordings. This is go time and nothing will get in the way.
Weekly on Friday we're going to go through your report on what you Did and Did Not Do. We're going to identify the exact roadblock, is it mental, emotional, physical, technical... whatever it is we're going to be strategically accountable to find it, break it down and get moving forward again.


Programs Details - JV Global Lounge

2) JVology Global Lounge - 12 month membership ($997 Value)

Amazing Entrepreneurs from all over the world

  •  Guidance and support from 7 figure entrepreneurs
  • ​Monthly calls with training, support and opportunities to make and hear JV invitations
  • ​Monthly Tech Calls, make sure you have the tech you need, that works together that accomplishes YOUR goals
  • ​A facebook group of JV partners who get the core values of Win/Win/Win Joint Ventures
  • The most amazing live in-person Joint Venture event called JVology Live
  • A private membership area for all training calls and resources.
  • Access to an international Joint Venture Partner database to find and connect with the right partners in the right locational the right time.


Programs Details - JVSS

3) JVSS Digital Program ($1,997 Value) 

JVology Joint Venture Success System
The Art and Science of Profitable Joint Ventures
Take you from Beginner to Expert 
You will get 12 powerful Modules plus 8 Bonuses:

Module 1: Joint Ventures Basics: Discover the basics of Joint Venturing and the "Joint Venture Mindset” 

Module 2: Joint Venture Opportunities: Discover endless opportunities and ways to Joint Venture 

Module 3: Defining & Finding Your Ideal JV Partners: Get clear on who your ideal Joint Venture Partners are and where to find them. 

Module 4: How Partners Think And Getting Noticed By Them: Discover how to get on the radar of your ideal Joint Venture partners. 

Module 5: Approaching & Enrolling Joint Venture Partners: Learn how to approach and enroll your ideal Joint Venture partners and gain their support. 

Module 6: Metrics & Mechanics: Understand what numbers to track and what to do with them. 
Module 7: Technology: Learn the different software and technological aspects of Joint Venturing. 

Module 8: Crafting Compelling Commission Structures: Discover how to craft your commission structure for maximum leverage and results. 

Module 9: Creating Engaging Prizes & Promotions: Learn what works, what doesn't and what works best for prizes, promotions, and leader boards. 

Module 10: Powerful Program Structures & Bonus Packages: Learn how to structure your program and strategic bonuses in order to get the most sales. 

Module 11: The Top Online Promotion Structures: Discover the top promotion structures and timelines for online promotions and launches. 

Module 12: The Fundamentals Of Successful Launches: Learn the 6 pillars to a successful online launch.


Programs Details - INstream

4) INstream 6 week Coaching - ($1997 Value) 

Identify your Ideal Partners, 
Strategy of Partner Development, 
Identifying which Stage of Relationship you are now, 
Systems and Strategies to move them up,
3 for Free - How to go first and become relevant to your potential partners,
3 for Fee - Invest time, money or effort into becoming even more relevant to your potential partners,
3 for Me - Make 3 requests for people to support you,

We'll help you to outline and implement
through your
Partner Strategy Worksheets.

We'll identify your game plan
Short term, Medium term and Long term.

And, in the end... you will

Have Powerful and Deep Relationships where people LOVE serving, supporting and partnering with you!

When people are begging to promote your product to their tribe, and your clients are extremely grateful for people you have referred, 

You're INstream.



5) Sponsors Booth at JVology Live: ($1,500 – 5,000 Value)

We want you to have TRAFFIC, so we share the partners, the clients and the traffic that we invest so heavily to create. This is one of the most powerful helping hands that we can offer.

6) JVology Summit - 3-Day JV Mastermind ($4,997 Value) 

When you attend this 3 day mastermind you will get to connect with 20-30 other movers and shakers in the experts industry to build relationships, create joint ventures and support each other in sharing messages and growing businesses. You’ll get the opportunity in front of the entire group to do a JV Pitch to enroll new partners, to have a hot rooms feedback and support on a specific challenge or opportunity you have, and to give a gift of gratitude to contribute in each relationship. You’ll also get to enjoy an evening of wine tasting with a sommelier, a fun adventurous excursion with the group, and training on any hot topics you have. Join us at this high level networking and relationship building event for a ton of fun, great training and support on your business, and to build relationships that will add 6 figures or more to your business. (You must be JV Ready, actively using Joint Ventures in your business and/or earning over 6 figures to attend)

Total Value: $12,485

Your Investment: ONLY $5,997